
Most management teams don't have a systematic approach to goal execution. This results in a set of normal, although avoidable, symptoms:

Schedule Symptoms

  • Everyone is frantically busy with urgent work
  • Every day is a mad scramble — there's no time to work on anything that isn't immediate
  • The sheer volume of day-to-day work makes it nearly impossible to slow down and reflect on longer term plans
  • It is difficult to focus and finish things because there are so many projects on the go

Goals Symptoms

  • There are mainly just revenue related goals
  • Non revenue goals are ambiguous in terms of a) measurements of success and b) time-frame
  • Goals feel arbitrary and/or vague
  • There's little accountability to hitting goals
  • Goals are regularly delayed or missed

Communication Symptoms

  • Team experiences confusion and misunderstandings about which projects to prioritize
  • There are frequent changes in direction that not everyone understands or agrees are necessary
  • People are unsure of who is doing what and why
  • Leaders don't want to micromanage but feel unsure that strategic projects are going to get done otherwise
  • There are long discussions about big picture strategies, but few firm decisions

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