Clarify Your Goals

Copy the questions below into a document and then use them to brainstorm possibilities and then distill your goals. They are designed to be pondered and to stimulate your thinking so don’t rush through.

1. If you were to dream big, specificallyin your area of responsibility at work, what would you be ecstatic to achieve?

2. What problemshold you and your team backfrom reaching your potential?

3. Imagine you had zero responsibility for daily operations and your only job was to ensure that you, your department, and your company are all dramatically more successful three years from now.What would you focus on?

4. How could you translate your answers above intosuccinct goals?

Goal #1:

Goal #2 (optional):

Goal #3 (optional):

5. Whatactionable projectswould lead to the completion of these goals?

Goal #1:

Goal #2 (optional):

Goal #3 (optional):

6. Whatnumeric measurescould you use to make success crystal clear?

Goal #1:

Goal #2 (optional):

Goal #3 (optional):

7. At an experiential level,why bother with these goals?How would you hope that your day-to-day work would change as a result of achieving them?

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